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Aug 15, 2019
Dojo Rule #13 - Hands off Orifices!
At least during class, Please keep your hands away from your nostrils, mouth, ear canals, or anus (yes, anus… we had a kid with his hand...

Aug 12, 2019
Awase Vs. Roadkill...
Awase means "come together". The concept of Awase is to merge into an attacker’s movement and take control. Not by attempting to directly...

Aug 8, 2019
Meanwhile off the mat…
It’s been a while since I reminded you that - Running Sucks! #runningsucks #cupcake #clown #aikido #martialarts #comics #cartoon #humor...

Aug 5, 2019
Pain is Information...
And you actually have to feel it!!!... Don’t tap out too soon. A sincere uke, resists to the level that helps nage to improve their...

Aug 1, 2019
Learning how to properly fold a hakama, when you first start wearing one, can be daunting. These clear instructions might come in handy....

Jul 29, 2019
Resistance is Futile...
Applying a technique depends on the situation, the size and strength of our attacker, and our own size and strength (or the lack of it in...

Jul 25, 2019
Dojo Rule #10 - Rei
Show respect and gratitude #dojoetiquette #reigi #aikido #martialarts #comics #cartoon #humor #oritshilon

Jul 22, 2019
Hara - Your Energy Center
"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate."...

Jul 18, 2019
Dojo Rule #12 - No Talking
There is only one teacher on the mat during class. Talking should be kept to a minimum. #dojoetiquette #aikido #martialarts #comics...

Jul 15, 2019
A Bully and the Value of Good Ukemi
Ukemi, the art of falling safely works off the mat as well as on it. #bullying #ukemi #aikido #martialarts #comics #cartoon #humor...

Jul 11, 2019
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
“Appearances often are deceiving.” -Aesop #aikido #martialarts #aesop #fable #comics #cartoon #humor #oritshilon

Jul 8, 2019
Wrist Locks
Small hands need to find that extra leverage… :) #aikido #nikyo #sankyo #martialarts #comics #cartoon #humor #oritshilon

Jul 4, 2019
Happy Independence Day!
#4thofjuly #independenceday #aikido #martialarts #comics #cartoon #humor #oritshilon

Jul 1, 2019
Mel's Angels
Weapon training is a part of Aikido so I drew Mel with Bokken, Jo and Tanto… and I couldn’t help but think of the iconic image of...

Jun 27, 2019
Dojo Rule#11 - Don’t Chew Gum
All sorts of things can happen…. None of them are good :) #dojoetiquette #aikido #martialarts #comics #cartoon #humor #oritshilon

Jun 24, 2019
Don’t Let Me Stand in Your Way...
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War #suntzu #theartofwar #aikido #martialarts #comics...

Jun 17, 2019
Kokyu-Ho T-Rex
Not a lot of extension going for him… Closing the distance/maai, momentum and timing, using the hips, that might help. #trex #kokyuho...

Jun 10, 2019
Keep Your Hands With You at all Times...
How many times has this happen to you?... Let’s say you’ve got that “stepping off the line” thing down. Now you just need to remember to...

Jun 6, 2019
The 7 Virtues of Bushido
Bushido is the way of the samurai. It’s a set of values and virtues, and it’s a way of life. The virtues of Bushido are reflected in the...

Jun 3, 2019
Respect and Sincerity in Training
For women training with men there are two scenarios that sometimes come up and offer nothing but frustration… And I’m sure some men might...

May 30, 2019
Meanwhile off the mat…
Running Sucks! Just to make it clear….Not even to save my life! #runningsucks #cupcake #bear #aikido #martialarts #comics #cartoon...
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